Forest Stewardship Plan Outline


Forest Stewardship Plan Outline

for Client property

Prepared by Fireweed Ecological Services LLC on month/day/year

An outline of the main components of a Forest Stewardship Plan - designed to address forest health issues and wildfire resilience on the Client property in Client town, Colorado. The plan will include:

Property Description

Owners: The Clients

Address: 1234 Client town CO 80000

Subdivision: Client neighborhood

Parcel number 1234  Acreage: 5.0 acres

Maps - topographic and with satellite imaging, at individual property and neighborhood scales 

Historic Conditions

The historic wildfire regime and role of wildfire on the land and surrounding area. Logging and grazing history will be noted, if available.

Current Conditions

An assessment of Forest types and individual tree species with their ages and condition, along with the presence and impact of insects and disease. The combined effects of local topography and fuels on wildfire in the neighborhood will be addressed.

Management Unit (MU) Delineation

These are defined as the combination of impacts of vegetation, wildfire and cultural values. They will be identified and mapped on the ground by overlaying maps of these values. (e.g. a “Home Ignition Zone” MU would be the result of the intersection of buildings, vegetation and wildfire risk). Maps and descriptions will be provided for all MUs.

Recommended Treatments

This section will guide you as to what to cut or plant, and what to protect and improve in each MU - how to improve forest health with respect to tree age and species diversity, insect and disease issues, wildfire mitigation and control of noxious weeds. The prioritization of recommended actions over a 5-10 year timeline will be discussed.

Wood Utilization Options

Firewood production and other possible uses.

Slash Disposal Options

In each MU, recommendations will be made regarding lop and scatter, pile-burning, mastication or chipping.

Implementation Schedule

Recommendations for timing of work to be done during the year will be based on the trade-off between insect and disease issues and wildfire risk. Potential conflicts between these issues will be described.

Resources page

A list of educational materials, useful tools etc, with interactive links in text.


An explanation of terms used in the plan and any associated references

Cost of Plan

The cost of $500 (or other amount as appropriate) would Include a full day of fieldwork to gather information and prepare the plan. For an additional cost, Fireweed ES could spend a day with you marking trees for cutting, pruning and retention in one MU (such as the Home Ignition Zone) to give an on-the-ground example of how to do this work in the other MUs. Fireweed ES can also be available (at an hourly rate) to assist with implementation on the ground for a given year’s work if needed.

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