All Resources
Resource documents are listed alphabetically from A to Z

Noxious WeedsAre Herbicides necessary?
How can we successfully manage invasive non-native plants so they do not threaten our mountain plant communities and wildlife, pose a wildfire risk, lower property values or just spoil our enjoyment as mountain landowners? Integrated weed management, including herbicides, is the answer.
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Noxious WeedsCheatgrass DYI Management
Here are some pointers to help you manage cheatgrass on your property so it is neither a wildfire threat nor degrading the quality of your native vegetation
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Noxious WeedsCheatgrass around your home? Take action!
When the Marshall Fire raced through eastern Boulder County in December, were you taken by surprise? The wildfire wasn’t burning in the mountains, or in a forest, or even during traditional “fire season”, and yet 991 buildings burned down within hours. Why did this happen, and how can you avoid a fast-moving grass fire in your community?
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An outline of the main components of a Forest Stewardship Plan designed to address forest health issues and wildfire resilience on a client property along Colorado's Front Range
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ForestryGot forest health issues? Getting help from Fireweed ES
Got forest health issues? What to expect if you seek help from Fireweed Ecological Services LLC - from first contact to finding the right long-term solution.
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Noxious WeedsGot weeds? Getting help from Fireweed ES
Got Weeds? What to expect if you seek help from Fireweed Ecological Services LLC - from first contact to finding the right long-term solution.
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Noxious WeedsNoxious Weed Resources (2023)
Looking for resources on Colorado noxious weed identification and management, as well as useful information on landscaping with native plants? Here is a list to get you started.
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Noxious WeedsPresentation on Noxious Weeds
If you want to learn how to diagnose, treat and keep this weedy pandemic under control on your property, schedule a free presentation,
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ForestrySlash Disposal
In creating defensible space around your home to reduce wildfire risk, you will likely end up with wood and debris that you need to get rid of. Letting it sit on your property is not solving your fire hazard - it’s still fuel but just in a different form. What do you do with it? Here are some helpful resources.
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Noxious WeedsThe Story of Cheatgrass
Read about the fascinating history of cheatgrass in the US, what makes it such a formidable noxious weed, and the author's attempts to control it on her own mountain property in Bailey.
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